Monday, October 23, 2006

All's well that ends well

If I had known how quick and painless the divorce hearing would be, I wouldn't have ruined my manicure! We got to city hall and the ex and I met with the social worker for all of 7 minutes. He asked if we were both in agreement to the divorce and inquired if there was anything we wanted to clear the air about. We said yes to the former and no to the latter, signed a paper and were told to return in two weeks to sign the divorce certificate!

The ex and I were civil to each other, but I almost kicked him in the shins during the hearing with the social worker because he was being his usual annoying self. I'll give you an example:

The social worker asks us to place our right thumbprint on the document we were signing. The ex asks "Why not the left one?". The s.w. explains that in order to maintain a standard, the law requires all people to use their right thumb. The ex asks "What if you don't have a right thumb?" The s.w. patiently answers that if you don't have a right hand, the law allows you to use your left. The ex (you would think he's five years old by the intellectual level of his questioning!) then asks "Well, what if you don't have hands?" (I'm about ready to kill him at this point). The s.w. replies that in that case, the big toe on the right foot would be used. At this point, OF COURSE, the ex gleefully inquires "What if the person doesn't have hands or feet?"


At that point, I was ready to kill him and I could tell that the s.w. wasn't amused, either. We quickly signed the document and were ushered out so that our witnesses could sign as well.

Fast forward six hours, and I am now sitting in T's room as he installs the lighting and walls for his new closet. I went with him to the store last week to choose the shelving for the closet, and he made a point of asking me what shelving I wanted and how many shoe racks I would need. Hello!!! I LIKE HOW THIS MAN THINKS!!! Nothing puts me in a good mood quite like watching my Colin Firth look-alike boyfriend weilding power tools as he builds the closet that will someday house my prized shoe collection. All's well that ends well...


Blogger Mel said...

Wow. I'd say all is ending quite well! Colin Firth look-alike who appreciates a woman's love affair with the shoe?! Congratulations on your divorce. Not a moment too soon by the sound of things.

8:45 AM  

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