Saturday, October 28, 2006

Coincidence or divine intervention?

I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it, but at thirty years old I did something this past week that I had never done before in my life: I bought a car. While I had been considering the purchase for a few months, the actual transaction was effected in a matter of minutes. Some will call what happened a coincidence, others will recognize it as divine intervention. You be the judge...Here's what happened.

I've had many cars in my lifetime, starting from when I was 16. But cars were always bought for me, first by my parents and then by my husband. This time, however, the decision was 100% in my hands for the first time ever. I waffled for a few months, undecided between a larger, more expensive yet less-fuel efficient model and a smaller, more affordable car that offered better gas mileage. I drive well over 350 km (210 miles) each week, so in a sense my lifestyle made the decision for me.

(cue Yanni New Age music) I truly believe that the Universe has vast and limitless opportunities, and that everything we want is within our reach if we know how to ask for it. With this in mind, I set out towards the car dealership with the specific brand, make, model AND color of my ideal car in mind. What makes this story EXTRA-SPECIAL is the fact that in the country where I live, dealerships are alloted a very small number of vehicles per month, maybe two or three cars of each model. Buyers wait many months to get the right color or model, and must give a large deposit to even be considered for the waiting list.

Being an unbridled optimist, I told the Universe that I wanted a 2007 silver Honda Fit, the equipped version (EX) with manual transmission. I arrived at the dealership and told the saleslady ONLY that I wanted to buy a Fit. She sat me down and after checking her computer, told me that unfortunately she only had one Fit in inventory. She said: "I can put you on a waiting list, because right now the only Fit we have available is a 2007 silver-colored EX version with manual transmission."

Holy Cow, someone up there really IS listening!!! I rest my case. No further questions, your honor.

When I told the saleslady that the car in question was exactly what I wanted, she seemed baffled by her good luck. She asked when I could return to give the deposit that would hold the car while it was readied for me, and she nearly fell off her chair when I pulled $1,000 in cash from my purse and plunked the bills on the table. What a rush!!! (No wonder some rich people are capable of committing murder if their wealth depends on it...The power trip and the reactions you get from people are intoxicating!)

While some people think I'm insane to be talking to the sky, I have just demonstrated that the sky is listening. Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it. My car will be ready on Thursday. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a delightful blog you have here. While I'm not entirely sure that drinking that much coffee on a daily basis is in fact good for you, I am pleased as punch that you have stated your case (and case history) so eloquently.

Actually, my fiance Slim and I spent about four hours today in the local coffee shop sipping mocha lattes and playing chess and chatting with a dear friend of ours. Good times indeed.

Truth be told, I'm elated to find a site where the author posts in whole sentences, without abbreviations, and uses correct grammar and syntax. Oh sure, I'm aware that this is the internet and anyone can write whatever they please. But the fact of the matter is correct grammar is much easier and more enjoyable for me to read.

Please continue. I'll be back.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Baja Babe said...

Thanks twobuyfour, feel free to stop by whenever you want. :)

7:40 PM  

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