Thursday, November 02, 2006

Just a click away...

My boyfriend and I met through an online dating site.

There, I've said it. I don't find anything wrong with that, but most people's reactions have made me realize that online dating is still a very misunderstood venture. I've received comments like:
"'re pretty. Why did you have to go online to meet someone?" and "Weren't you afraid you'd meet a deranged lunatic?"

Actually, I didn't have to go online; I chose to go online because I live in a town where most men sport huge mustaches, have beer bellies held up by giant gold-plated belts, and spend their nights getting drunk in cantinas. As for the probablity of meeting a deranged lunatic, I figured I had already been married to one, so what were the odds of that happening again?

I will agree that some people have had awful experiences with online dating. My friend R. went on a date with a guy who was more interested in computers than in women. I believe his exact words were: "Hu hu, my server rocks, hu hu..." Think Beavis meets the Geek Squad.

Then there was Clingy Chris, who after three dates decided that the best way to impress my friend was to emulate every detail of her life. She was training for a marathon so he started running. She wanted to travel to Cambodia so he started looking for plane tickets. She only ate organic food so he emptied his fridge of conventionally grown produce and meats. He called her all day long, every day, and had planned out their dates for the next twelve months. All this, after only three encounters and a few e-mails and phone conversations. Into every life, a little deranged lunatic must fall...

I'm sure you have friends with online dating horror stories, and you might have some first-hand experiences, too. However, I like to think that most people looking for a mate online are like T. and I: honest folks whose lifestyles don't revolve around "the singles scene" (bars and nightclubs) and who socialize with a close groups of friends who are mostly married, and therefore don't have many opportunities to interact with interested singles of the opposite sex.

What convinced me to go online in search of love (apart from the chilling prospect of spending the rest of my life with a beer-guzzling, pot-bellied Mexican macho) was the realization that many of my wedding clients had met in cyberspace. They were all lovely, good-looking people with careers, ambitions, and fun lifestyles. If they could do it, why couldn't I?

I sat in front of my computer and a few clicks later, I was in control of my love life. Online sites make dating easy: Simply read the profiles and determine if the person fulfills your requirements.

Too short, too tall, too fat, too skinny? Move on.
Spends his free time playing video games? Don't think so.
Dreams of one day venturing outside North Dakota? Next.
6'4", Ph.D., world-traveling, rock-climbing vegetarian? DING, DING, DING...We got ourselves a winner!!!

If you or anyone you know is looking for love online, know that there's hope. The person of your dreams (or a deranged lunatic) could be just a few clicks away.


Blogger Ryane said...

Planner: I agree with you about keeping yourself open to whatever may come along. I haven't had luck w/online dating, but I simply think that is a matter of circumstance. I met some good guys on-line. Yeah, I met some losers, but mostly I think I was fairly luck...

Good luck--both w/the boy and your novel. You write very well..I am sure you will be succesful.


ps: Your post about coffee, and how your father can drink an espresso just before bed (hello--my hero too!) was hilarious...

7:21 PM  
Blogger Baja Babe said...

Thanks ryane, it does help to keep an open mind and know what you want. Glad I could make you laugh with my coffee post. :)

8:04 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

I have been online dating off and on for a couple of years. I have many horrible (or horribly funny) stories to show for it. This last guy that I met may be a keeper. May not be. Not sure yet, but he's the closest thing to a keeper I've found. I have had a few clients and close friends hook up with their spouses/fiances online and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. The challenge for many is admitting it. Congratulations on finding your keeper.

2:44 PM  
Blogger Baja Babe said...

jmr - Isn't the internet great when you KNOW what you want? Congratulations and I'm sure you'll grow old together happily!! :)

10:38 PM  

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